Project: PSYCOart

PSYCOart is a multidisciplinary concept and a creative approach that brings art closer to explore its intersection through mental health.

The goal is to promote knowledge of psychology through the use of art as a tool for personal growth and social change. By creating a reflective and interpretive dialogue, PSYCOart seeks to foster a greater understanding of the power of psychology with art to transform lives and break the stigma surrounding mental health.

"Art for personal growth and social change"

Click icons to follow Rodrigo:

Absurdity and Apple Sauce served in raw quality comics.

only available on DeSo.

***BirthBlockNFT - Creating NFTs for every block, to commemorate user's birth on the blockchain featuring art from DESO accounts.

** Generativ -Gamification-focused NFT minting on DeSo

Prolific DeSo developer and Block Alchemist

🛠 Creating and upkeeping analytic tools for deso, including ; BirthBlockNFT - Whatsmy - Generativ *** . Featuring many useful functions for deso users to use.